Wednesday practise
Don’t forget tonight’s show rehearsal . 5.30-6.30 for Monday and Saturday contemporary dance
Wednesday practise
Don’t forget tonight’s show rehearsal . 5.30-6.30 for Monday and Saturday contemporary dance
Email me 🤗
If you are yet to receive an email from me, PLEASE look for me in your spam 🧐👀 Still no luck? Sent me an email...
Extra practice today 😁
Don’t forget some of you have extra practices tonight. Monday 4.45 ballet @ 5.30 tonight Tuesday 4.45 ballet @ 4.45 today Saturday 9.15...
No adult ballet tonight.
Remember there is no adult class tonight. Looking forward to seeing you lovely ladies next week. 😘
Half term notice
Remember there are no classes tomorrow as it’s half term. Back to normal on Monday. Enjoy your weekend all. 🎃💥🔥
Happy half term 🎃🦊
Thank you for your hard work this morning. A very productive rehearsal. Have a great half term. Remember there is no adult ballet...
Tomorow 9-12
Rehearsal tomorrow at the multi. Bring snacks and drinks. Any problems just shout. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Saturday classes as normal tomorrow.
Looking forward to Seeing you all as normal tomorrow. Have a great weened.
Late start today
4pm ballet class will be starting late today. I am at the hospital with the little one. Apologies, I will be there ASAP